The wall

The design studio is about one the most intriguing area in Torino, the Royal Gardens. There, an historical wall divides two sides of the city: a physical, social, economic and perceptive separation enhanced by the architectural and functional difference between the upper and lower gardens. But the course is not about garden design: it is about public space as a whole. Students were required to understand the potential of the site, defining functional and non-functional requirements for various type of users whose preferences rarely were consistent with each other, and to define the cultural values of the area. Then, also by using GIS data, they had to redesign the whole urban site, measuring the effect of their design action on the analysis of the first phases.


Architectural and Urban Legacy Studio
C. Deregibus, A. Spanò, F. Masino
K. Abou Khalil, N. Abu Mariam, J. T. Aksoy, M. Aleksandrova, B. Aniker, Y. Arabaci, B. Asan, O. Atay, E. Boguslu, I. Borisova, V. Bytyqci, P. Candar, L. Chamas, V. Croce, L. De Paula Frizone, J. Demarchi Maciel, M. Elhatip, Y. Ergen, L. Fernades Tomaz, A. C. Gergil, M.E. Girisken, A. Grzegorczyk, R. Jahanbakhsh, P. Janik, J. Kwaśnik, M. Li, M.-P. Lindinger, B. Liu, N. Marianov Stefanov, M. Matetschläger, E. Mohamad, J. Nakhoul, Z. Niu, G. Parisi, Z. Pourkia, K. Qian, P. Stefanini, I. Stoykov, R. Strømshoved, A. B. Tinaztepe, B. Uzan, W. Wei, A. Wiliamson, X. Xie, T. Xing, L. Yenice, A. Yilmazer, S. Zhang, Q. Zheng, Z. Zhu
E. Cavaglion, D. Mezzino, E. Colucci, M. Avena
20 luglio 2022
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Triennale Architettura – L