Inhabiting future frictions. Confronting climate collapse
The studio revolved around one question: what is the architecture of a non-extractive, non-racist, non-singular life? and aimed at provoking a critical architectural reading of the paradigms of sustainability by addressing several contested territories and the stratified spatializations of extractive, racialized, securitized, and colonial politics. Instead of working through the reification of built form-and-function to “solve” climate collapse, the aim was to ‘stay with the trouble’ and imagine future inhabitation through otherwises to extractive logics. These research-architecture projects are not solutions, but investigations forming an atlas of contested geographies, where precarious forms of life are constructed around frictions.
Article published on the topic:
Asan B., Atmaca M.A. , Boano C., Ciaffi D., Cerruti But M., Fardin J.I., Geldenhuys C., Maes L., Peragine R.L. (2024) Mapping Otherwises: Alang-Sosiya’s Metal Metabolism, Jornal Arquitectos J-A 265: 4-11