Ex Scalo Vanchiglia (Torino). Permanences and variations around the block.

The Atelier addresses the complex theme of urban transformation through the design process consisting of fields of reflection, analysis, problematization and the use of cognitive and implementation tools that mainly concern the sphere of the city and the territory. The project area is the Ex Scalo Vanchiglia in Turin, where each group of students developed their design proposal, starting from analyzing the existing urban fabrics in the city of Turin and recognizing recurring typologies and patterns. Using algorithmic design, each group explored the construction of design narratives through critical drawing and the construction of digital models.

Course language:
Academic year : 
N. Marzot, M. Caprani
B. Avcioglu, Y. Erinc, E. J. Zambrano Villamizar, L. Larocca, A. M. Nicoletti, I. Stoykov, S. Soni, M. H. Haji Ahmadi, N. P. R. Burlagadda, M. Haghighat Panah, F. Hajredini, H. Huseynov, A. Mohammadi, Y. Arabaci, L. Nova, D. Calderon, A. Yilmazer, J. Demarchi, K. Davies, D. Shyna Rajesh, T. D. Cancel, J. Ramirez, S. A. Trofin, M. Mertic, R. Pierotti Ferreira, L. Hammour, L. Khuzam, A. Khoury, N. Maawad, Y. Lu, Q. Ge, B. Zolfagharzade, E. Younan, G. Barros Lemes, J. Chahine
S. Giaveno, M. Crapolicchio, M. Cammarano
31 January 2024
Project area: 
Ex Scalo Vanchiglia, Turin, Italy
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture Construction and City