CITATION – Category: Courses
Nuova filiera produttiva dell’innovazione come modello per la riconversione e rigenerazione di un ex fabbrica del tessile nel Biellese
The "Re-Create to Innovate" project is based in Biella, Piedmont, and is part of a growing innovative landscape. It fosters collaboration between start-ups and students in the textile sector, aiming to establish a dialogue with existing local enterprises, which serve as the project’s starting point. "Re-Create to Innovate" is a new production chain of innovation designed to be a model for the conversion and regeneration of a former textile factory in the Biella area. The initiative seeks to revitalize the region by merging traditional industry knowledge with cutting-edge ideas and sustainable practices, ultimately fostering economic and social growth.
Davide De Vito, Ilenia Marchitelli, Alessandro Comina
Progetto dell’abitare sostenibile e inclusivo
Silvia Lanteri, Valeria Minucciani, Lorenzo Savio