We explore ways to reframe our work in the spatial design field by considering current environmental concerns, ongoing changes in the places we live in, and our attitudes towards time, memories and legacies of the past. We start discussing “design in context” with the construction of a library of references. With an exploration of Alta Brianza region, issues of conflictual tensions between agriculture priorities and industrial processes, ageing population in small settlements, obsolescence in sprawled urban structures and the effects of extreme weather events in fragile environments, we had the opportunity to reconsider common approaches to urban regeneration.
Architecture, Society and Territory A
F. Frassoldati, N. Caruso, S. Crivello
T. J. Aksoy, D. Antar, A. Ayoub, H. Babakhani, M. Balikci, S. Barbaglio, G. Barbieri, M. Barone, N. M. Cherian, L. Fontana, P. G. Garzon Aguirre, M. Ghaedighalini, A. D. Giray, H. Godazgar, A. Gonzalez Espinosa, M. Guerrero Rios, O. Hordynska, M. Jamalzadeh, S. Javid, H. M. Kadampalli, M. Kadkhodaeielyaderani, I. Karnitckii, W. D. Mantilla Ariza, S.n Meng, M. Milito, L. Milovidova, C. Monelli, M. Monti Borgioni, A. Nouri, Y. E. Onofre, G. Pisanu, J. R. Ponce De Leon Barrera, Z. Rastegarzadeh, A. M. Rincon Narvaez, V. Rizzo, S. W.J. Sabera, S.a Sherbafi, F. Shirmohammadi, A. Simonia, F. Siraj Rahman, B. Steri, J. Ashraf Hussein Tawfik, M. Ahammad Thamarassery, E. Thomas, E. Touma, B. Tserenbat, V. Siar Velioglu, Z. Zhu
P. Bianco, M. Naso, X. Ling, A. Strina, M. Bolzoni, A. Raad
20 marzo 2023