The Castle of Montalenghe and its farmstead

The case study is the castle of Montalenghe, an abandoned eighteenth-century villa waiting to be restored together with the farmstead built in its surrounding park. Flanking advanced techniques and traditional tools, great attention has been devoted to the knowledge phase – mainly focusing, this year, on the simplest farmstead – with the aim to understand the buildings’ constructional nature. This turns out to be a paradigmatic example of the implicit sustainability of historical architecture (built with local material and traditional resource-saving techniques) and its comprehension allows the very design phase to comply with the same approach.


Atelier: Compatibility and sustainability of architectural restoration E (Restoration)
Academic year : 
C. Tocci, F. Chiabrando, P. Piumatti
Mariana Cobbos, Lina María García, Ana Lucía Ordóñez, Juan Diego Vargas, Tymon Wolender Jana Arabi, Mao Jingtian, Maria Lozitskaya, Paola Yepes, Adrianna Antonkiewicz, Elif Ceylan Turkmen, Burak Gurtunca, Merve Kaya, Mahtab Kianfar Georgios Angeletopoulos, Andres Calero, Hassan Hijazi, Enxhi Hoxha, Esra Sevilen Ayeh Avakh, Alessia Garino, Beini Guo, Andong Xu Elaf Ibrahim Adam, Jing Sun, Chenhao Wang, Jin Wang, Zhuo Zijan Amr Khedr, Mohammadreza Mehdizadeh Shakiba Emamnia, Sepideh Saneei Mohamad Houhou, Gaelle Khalil, Mohamad Khansa, Martina Marzano, Marco Tosi, Esther Weisz Mojtaba Bazrafshan, Parastoo Javani, Atefeh Kalantari, Sanaz Sanati Houtki Ali Jahani, Sana Shirinbalaghi, Arezou Zehtabi Mateo Barrero, Eleonora Benetti, Julie Martínez, Camilo Sepulveda, Ana María Soto Chávez, Gaia Zoppellaro
L. Teppati Losè, A. Tonin
28 June 2021
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Sustainability