Circular Design Sprint | Da scarti di cantiere ad arredi temporanei

Designing and developing the circular economy

The integrated course constitutes an educational experience whose objective is to design and develop products and services for various fields of application, including architecture and design, obtained from the reuse of by-products and waste from production activities in a logic of product, process and circular chain innovation.

Through the "ACTIVATING Circularity" exercise, concepts, projects and prototypes were developed to explore the possibilities of activating circular economy processes within local realities, starting from the reuse of by-products and waste, enhancing the specificities of the context from a social, cultural, technological, economic and environmental point of view.

In collaboration with LaSTIn (Laboratorio Sistemi Tecnologici Innovativi - Innovative Technological Systems Laboratory), a Circular Design Sprint activity was conducted, aimed at the self-construction of temporary furnishings for the courtyard of the Via Morgari headquarters, starting from 0 km construction site waste.

[Elective courses] Designing and developing the circular economy
N. Di Prima, E. Montacchini, S. Tedesco
D. Abate, A. Barina, I. Battilani, G. Benazzo, N. Bottero, A. S. S. Braga, R. Buttice', C. Contreras Bueno, D. Cubukcu, N. D'alo', M. Ferro, D. Garibaldi, S. Ghione, E. Leon, D. Massetti, N. Menzano, S. L. Morbiolo, M. Navaro, M. C. Pedraza Olaya, A. Pettorino, S. M. Re, F. Rocca, C. A. Sanabria Roa, A. Sette, C. Valsells Mitjans, A. Zabelina, D. Zanone
A. Pistola
20 June 2023
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Sustainability