Borgo Castello in the Parco della Mandria (TO)

The atelier Restoration and Integrated Conservation A tackles the emerging issues related to the conservation of the historical built heritage, having as a priority the development of a project design within the framework of cultural, economic, social and environmental sustainability. The themes addressed in the workshop investigate the relationships between the 3D metric documentation of the built heritage, the restoration project and its structural improvement. The disciplines of Restoration, Geomatics and Building Technology are coordinated so that the design exercise as a whole - elaborated at the different scales of in-depth study - comes to meet a response consistent with the objectives.

Atelier Restauro e Conservazione Integrata A
C. Bartolozzi, M. Roggero, D. Sabia
M. Manca, D. Iorio, M. Piscitelli, F. Rollero, E. Balocco, V. Barbera Audis, M. Cirio, A. Brizzolari, G. Micotti, C. Greco, S. Pino, A. Vaglio, L. Lampis, C. Arnaldi, A. Porro, C. Timpanaro, A. Lerusce, F. Di Nocera, G. Amato, G. Caforio, E. D’Orazio, F. Gianfreda, I. Tabacchi, I. Vetere, R. Myrtaj, G. Ciardo, G. Meroni, E. Della Peruta, I. Avila Correa, L. Toscanelli, A. Bertolino, M. Barone, S. Lupo, L. Brazzalotto, T. Vinciguerra, A. Vasa, G. Biccari
D. Dabbene, M. Cappellazzo, E. Lenticchia
20 June 2023
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Sustainability