The coastal territory of Salve Municipality - City and territory Studio B (Architectural and urban design)

The coastal territory of Salve Municipality

The project theme concerns the enhancement of the coastal area of the Municipality of Salve, Apulia, which extends for about 4 km between Torre Pali and Marina di Pescoluse. The site is identified for its landscape relevance which attracts thousands of visitors daily during the summer season, causing a strong seasonal imbalance. The area, poorly planned, is transformed by tourists into a large car park through which is possible to have access to the natural beauties. The focus of the course is on the 'temporality', 'accessibility' and 'fragilities' of the site. The students were asked to propose a design solution that could address the territorial, the urban and the architectural scale.

City and territory Studio B (Architectural and urban design)
Academic year : 
M. Bonino, E. Bruno, K.J. Painter, M. Patruno
W. Akoum, M.D.M. Almeida De Carvalho Salgueiro, Z. Ay Fem, S. Aydogan, M. Bayer, L. Beqiri, A. Bilen, A. Boldbaatar, E. Braune, V. Croce, D. Demir, B. Deniz, D. Dinckan, M. El Bitar, Y. Mohamed A. M. Elagouza, Y. Evsen Ali, F. Fu, P. Graw, S. Honari, E. Islami, E. Janchivdorj, K. Ji, P. Kermanian, H. Kurti, J. K. Kwasnik, B. Liu, W. Lu, J. Luoma, F. Luongo, M. M. Midilli, T. P. Mueller, F. Nabil, P. P. Nahkala, R. Nasrallah, N. Parisotto Ferronato, D. Picha, N. Rezaei, S. Sarac, S. Selimaj, E. Shneider, S. Skuratovska, S. C. Stetiu, L. Suleiman, L. Todorov, M. Trazzi, B. Tuncay, S. C. Tuncay, C. Tunno, T. A. Ulusoy, C. Uyan, L. M. Vasileva, W. Wang, Y. Wu, S. Xu, J. Yu, Z. Xilong, B. Zheng, Q. Zhou, Z. Zhou
C. Forina, M. Mancini, G. Gonella, AG. Moschetti
21 February 2022
Atelier Bachelor programmes Bachelor’s degree in Architecture