Hidden Curriculum Exposed

Architectural Design Studios experiment with changing degrees of remoteness.

COVID-19 forced architecture schools everywhere to apply and test remote teaching on an unprecedented scale. A semester-long period (at least) of mandatory remoteness has allowed making an assessment of the pros and cons of remote teaching. Everybody appears to agree: some exchanges are definitely less effective, some exchanges, it turns out, are more effective, some exchanges do not work at all, and some others work just as well. Design studios were the perfect setting for experimentation, as they are intended to foster a ‘studio culture’ which is generally based on contact and sharing. As the so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ of design studios was suddenly made visible by the impossibility to perpetuate it, how can this turn help shape a different studio culture, and should it? When will it be possible to go back to teaching in person? How do we intend to capitalize on this massively-scaled experiment? What new models can emerge and are emerging? And will these new models work at the scale of the individual course, or at the scale of the institution, or at another scale still?

Greetings: Paolo Mellano, Carla Bartolozzi
Speakers: Patrick Flynn, Johan De Walsche, John Barton, Rashida Ng, Ilaria Valente
Discussants:  Alessandro Armando, Massimiliano Loturco,  Roberto Giordano, Manuela Mattone

Academic year : 
19 March 2021