The Castle of Montalenghe and its farmstead

The case study is the castle of Montalenghe, an abandoned eighteenth-century villa waiting to be restored together with the farmstead built in its surrounding park. Flanking advanced techniques and traditional tools, great attention has been devoted to the knowledge phase – mainly focusing, this year, on the simplest farmstead – with the aim to understand the buildings’ constructional nature.

1 January 1970

Atelier D

The teaching activity of the Restoration module aims to provide the methodological and operative tools necessary for a correct approach to the restoration project, recovery, renovation and reuse of historical buildings. Advanced tools for architectural modelling module (Geomatics) addresses the set of knowledge and practical skills necessary to understand and document an architecture being the material evidence of a cultural value.

1 January 1970

Atelier C

L’Atelier di Compatibilità e Sostenibilità del Restauro Architettonico, tenutosi presso il Politecnico di Torino nell'A.A. 2020-2021, ha sviluppato un’esercitazione nel suo complesso elaborata alle diverse scale di approfondimento, analizzato i temi emergenti connessi alla conservazione, al consolidamento, all'adeguamento normativo e alla progettazione delle nuove funzioni compatibili nell’ottica di una sostenibilità culturale, economica, sociale, ambientale.

1 January 1970

Rural and Urban

The reconversion of parts of the city at the end of their production cycles and gradually reached and metabolized by residential, commercial, and tertiary fabrics, is a topic that has long been present in the European debate. The phenomenon takes on particular relevance within metropolitan territories. The administrative subject assigns a new role to marginal areas as possible areas of transformation and regeneration of metropolitan significance. The selected work area, Basse di Stura, is located on the northern edge of Turin Metropolitan Area and will primarily involve these

1 January 1970


Prosperous Lishui refers to the project with which Polytechnic of Turin and South China University of Technology participated in an international competition in 2020. The competition was launched by the municipality of Lishui in the Chinese Province of Zhejiang to imagine the future growth of a city that currently has about 2.5 million inhabitants. Starting from here, the design unit works on four main themes arising from the general plan of the project.

1 January 1970

Grenoble, Flaubert district

The Atelier simulates a design experience on an urban scale, and it focuses on a project of urban redevelopment project in the Flaubert urban district of Grenoble France. This choice, reflects the international character of the course and it is in continuity with the experience carried out in the previous five years, providing the course with a common and continuous cultural basis. Lectures and workshops are held entirely in English.

1 January 1970

Climate Urbanism

The atelier moves from the dominant narrative of “sustainable urbanism” based on “resiliency” to a radical systemic approach that considers Climate Change (CC) alterations as a present condition instead of an eventual future hazard, aiming at evolving new models of living together instead of preserving the actual neoliberal and extraction narratives. While promoting spatial justice as a climate action issue, the atelier works with the case of Biella, a “medial” territory representing the majority of contemporary territorial conditions in Europe.

1 January 1970
Blog del corso

La città di supporto

LA CITTÀ DI SUPPORTO è un atelier di progettazione urbanistica che osserva i mutamenti della città di Torino a partire dal modo in cui stanno cambiando i modi dell’abitare. L’ipotesi sulla quale si regge è che le trasformazioni in corso richiedano una nuova organizzazione delle relazioni tra gli spazi dell’abitazione e le infrastrutture del welfare. A partire da questa ipotesi, l’atelier seleziona una serie di spazi collocati sul margine occidentale della città nell’obiettivo di costruire prefigurazioni utili ad orientare le trasformazioni. 


1 January 1970
Blog del corso
G1_L. Farenga - P. Fares - L.F. Sanchez Quintero
G1_Lucrezia Farenga
G1_Luis Felipe Sanchez Quintero
G1_P. Fares - L. Farenga - L.F. Sanchez Quintero_
G1_Pierre Fares
G2_Federico Pellarin
G2_Viviana Trovato
G2_Y.M.S. Cattini-F. Pellarin-V. Trovato_
G2_Y.M.S. Cattini-F. Pellarin-V. Trovato
G2_Yanne Marie Stephane Cattini
G3_Liuyi Wu
G3_X. Liu-L. Wu-X. Wu
G3_Xiao Liu
G3_Xiaomin Wu
G4_Fernando Israel Leal Leyte
G4_Francesca Viani
G4_I. Ciammarusti-F.I. Leal Leyte-F. Viani_
G4_I. Ciammarusti-F.I. Leal Leyte-F. Viani
G4_Irene Ciammarusti
G5_Miao Tianye
G5_T. Miao-Y. Yang-Y. Yue_
G5_T. Miao-Y. Yang-Y. Yue
G5_Yili Yue
G5_Yuqian Yang
G6_Aigesta Marku
G6_Mohammed Amin Nargesian
G6_M.A. Nargesian-A. dalirandeh-A. Marku
G6_Anahita Dalirandeh
G9_D. Becik-E.M. Ozsoy-M.Penza_
G9_D. Becik-E.M. Ozsoy-M.Penza
G9_Dilsad Becik
G9_Emine Merve Ozsoy
G9_Margherita Penza
Case Study


In this studio the understanding of the complex phenomena that drive urban and territorial transformations develops by site-based learning and design exercise. The studio’s aim is to unfold the relationships between design and its context, and to establish linkages between theoretical, technical and practical spheres in the built space.

1 January 1970

Atelier Progetto Urbanistico B

L’Atelier ha come focus la riqualificazione territoriale, a partire dalla valorizzazione delle risorse locali e dalla identificazione di una domanda sociale di urbanità; il tema di indagine progettuale è lo spazio urbano-rurale “in trasformazione” in cui si possono riconoscere fermenti capaci di favorire nuove relazioni strutturanti il paesaggio urbano-rurale, capace di superare dicotomie quali città/campagna, centro/periferia.

1 January 1970