WINNER – Category: Courses
Ex-stazione ferroviaria di Morgex (AO)
The design strategy transform the historical Valdigne railway into a bikelane for touristic flows, offering a path through territorial identity throughout traditional gastronomic products. Thus is born MetroZERO, on track of the old station, as an architecture that wants to praise the whole food supply chain: from production to taste. The FoodHUB’s roof reinterpret the traditional gabled roof, with the use of alveolar polycarbonate slabs fillet with pcm for the envelope solution and local wood as structural material, combining tradition, identity and innovation into the frame of the alpine landscape and a bright and welcoming space, with low energy needs.
Agricola Giovanni, Di Mario Chiara, Miletti Vincenza, Zabelina Anastasiia
Progettazione ecocompatibile dell’Architettura B
Roberto Dini, Francesca Thiebat, Valentina Serra, Valerio Roberto Maria Lo Verso