VELOSTATIONS FOR NOMADES ON TWO WHEELS. Co-functionalization for cycling purposes of the West Sesia Consortium toll booths

The Atelier faced the co-functionalization project as accommodation facilities for cycle travelers of the historic toll booths used to manage the irrigation network operated by the Ovest Sesia Irrigation Consortium. The projects dealt with the toll booths adjacent to or bordering the Naviglio d'Ivrea, a hydraulic infrastructure dating back to the 15th century and today the potential site of a cycle route of national interest. It was, therefore, a question of restoring a series of apparently "minor" buildings that express a monumental role on a territorial scale. The figures used in the projects are based on an interpretation of the architectural characteristics of the toll booths and the hydraulic landscape of which they are an expression.

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Academic year : 
C. L. M. Occelli, R. Palma
A. Biondo, L. Bottacin, A. Carletto, A. Catalano, M. Caucino, S. Cavallaro, P. Ciocchetti, C. De Carlo, L. De Luca, J. Di Franco, F. Diotto, C. Dorato, A. Drago, F. Farenga, E. S. Forte, N. Ghiani, M. Grandi, C. Jayatunga Arachchige, M. Labella, D. Lagana’, A. Ledda, N. Mazzeo, C. Nuzzachi, C. Oliva, G. Pansera, A. Pistola, M. Pucci, G. Ragazzone, M. Rainone, M. Riva, L. Rosso, J. Rrapaj, A. Taramazzo, F. J. Veciunca, L. Venco, D. Vitale, E. Zappi
I. Ruiz Bazàn, D. Campolo, A. Gillone
30 January 2024
Project area: 
Vercelli, Italia
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture Construction and City
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