Atelier progetto e modellazione 22/23 - M. Barosio, M. Lo Turco

Designing the Ex-Westinghouse Area.

The atelier introduces design through the use of physical and digital models with the aim of making explicit the conception process and the relationship between modelling and conception. The project theme deals with a portion of the city of Turin in the area of the Ex-Westinghouse on which equipment of general interest is planned in coherence with the realisation of a multifunctional congress centre. The aim was to experiment, through the design of the case study, with various modelling techniques and tools that are most commonly used today for the prefiguration of architectural projects.

Course language:
Academic year : 
V.M. Bagnasco, A. Bertolone, C. Brero, L. Calenda, R. Catanzaro, G. Ceratti, F. Chirico, L. Coda, M. Colitti, M. Dal Bon, G. Damonte, F.A. Dellacasa, G. Fasolo, V. Fratta, A. Gabelli, M. Gariglio, S. Ghiglione, D.M. Grasso, T. Grossi, C. La Mastra, D. Lavezzo, V. Loschi, S. Magnolo, M.M. Manni, D. Merendoni, F. Miniotti, L. Monferrino, S. Monteleone, M.G. Nicoli, S. Otta, M. Palmisano, K. Pasero Lombardo, V. Pennazio, A. Porporino, F. Racciu, C. Rosenga, G. Santoleri, F.B. Santos Medina, D. Sardone, M. Scarlino, E. Senato Pullano, F.R. Stoppa, A. Tolin, E. Ventriglia, F. Zanotti
J. Bono, S. Giaveno, R. Gugliotta
15 June 2023
Project location:
Area ex-Westinghouse, Torino, TO, Italia
Atelier Bachelor programmes Bachelor’s degree in Architecture