DESIGNING THE ALPS OF TOMORROW: new productive scenarios

The atelier is part of the Department's collaborations with the Courmayeur Mont-Blanc Foundation and several municipalities in the Aosta Valley (Courmayeur Municipality, Morgex Municipality, Saint-Marcel Municipality, Ollomont Municipality). The didactic activity addresses the theme of the project with specific attention to the effects that sustainability has on the construction of architecture in relation to the relationship with the environment and urban and territorial form. The concept of sustainability is understood here in the meaning accepted today by the scientific community, which includes - alongside evaluations linked to indicators and quantitative parameters - also broader considerations connected to the cultural and social implications of the project; this concept is declined at the scale of the building and at the scale of the built and natural landscape.

Course language:
Academic year : 
F. Accossato, G. Agricola, G. Amato, G. Barletta, A. Borro, L. Calabrese, G. Casarotti, I. Castrignano, G. Ceratti, F. Chirico, E. Ciapetti, L. Coda, A. Colella, E. Cordoni, S. Coristo, M. Dal Bon, G. Dazi, C. Di Mario, E. Falcioni, J. Ferrara, E. Gallo, D. M. Grasso, S. Innocenti, V. Lai, D. Lavezzo, A. Lerusce, C. Massimi, V. Miletti, G. Monachesi, F. Mazzarella, L. Orsola Ochavo, S. Palmieri, G. Pangaro, G. Pappalardo, A. Perna, J. Piano, Y. D. Tarhia, S. Tavernese, A. Vasa, A. Zabelina
A. Depaoli, C. Dallere, M. Tempestini, L. Serra, F. Morselli, A. Clos, D. Schiavon
25 June 2024
Project location:
Valle D'Aosta, Italy
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Sustainability