Adaptive Reuse of the Built Legacy

This integrated design studio atelier focuses on developing projects for the adaptive reuse of architectural heritage, encompassing both buildings and their urban context. The pedagogical interdisciplinary approach integrates architectural and urban design, architectural technology, and structural mechanics in exploring the potential for adaptive reuse of 5 currently vacant city-owned buildings in Turin.  A collaborative effort by 45 international students has resulted in 15 adaptive reuse projects, injecting new life into the spaces.
Based on five sites as part of the public assets’ selection by the Property Service of the City of Torino, which showcases unused and on-sale city-owned building stock, the students’ projects promote and encourage the re-use of dismissed urban legacy.
The course concluded with an exhibition at Urban in collaboration with the Turin Municipality. Projects are presented through physical models and a booklet detailing the research-by-design process, using the common Black-Yellow-Red color code (preserved-demolished-built).

Course language:
Academic year : 
K.B.A. Abdelmalek, M. Abderezaee, L.P. Andor, A.G. Antypas, A. Arasil, L.M. Baracco, A.C.Basak, M.C. Cadena Mendoza, D. Carneiro Avila, B.B.Citir, E. Cosan, M. Elhatip, E. Emirbayer, P. Ergene, D.Esaspehlivan, M.G. Ferah, F. Ghadyanlou, A. Gorzynski, B. Goshtasbpour, M. Gronski, O. Gucray, J. He, M. Hernandez Valim, N.Jenabi Shalmani, J. Jimenez Cordoba, I.S. Joy Pulikkottil, A. Khalid Mohieldin Mohamed, S. Khoshtinatnikkhoy, A.S. Kiziltan, X. Liu, J. Londono Villalba, S. Mehrara, A.E. Santiago Fernandez, C. Seif, T. Shamsaie Lashkariani, M. Shyam, N.M. Stefanov, L. Sureshkumar, N. Tabet, S. Tajzadeh, F. Talebi Khadar, N.A. Tasin, C. Vasquez Baena, J. Vasquez Soberanes, K. Vazquez Ahued, N. Yasar, Y. Zhang
E. Guidetti, T. Binda, J. Melchiorre, L. Sardone, E. Sarbazjanfada
5 February 2024
Project area: 
Turin, Italy
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Heritage
Course blog