Design for Climate Resilience

The seminar is an interdisciplinary learning experience that features experts' theoretical lectures and presentations and directs students' participation in practical and theoretical activities. The seminar focuses on Nature-Based Solutions, green technologies enhancing plant species' properties, and mitigating some climate change effects, especially in anthropic habitats, such as contemporary cities. The two disciplinary contributions (Water Engineering and Architectural Technology) tackle the causes and effects of climate change in different environmental and social scenarios, exploring strategies, technologies, and tools at the urban and building scale.

“Design for Climate Resilience” - Introductory Seminars
F. Boano, R. Giordano
G. M. Amato, B. Asan, M. Asgari, S. Barbaglio, G. Barbieri, M. Barone, M. Biondi, L. Brazzalotto, Anna Brizzolari, N. Prudhvi Raj Burlagadda, D. Carneiro Avila, N. M. Cherian, I. K. Davies, G. Dobrin, S, Farajpour Baser, C. L. Geldenhuys, H. Godazgar, S. Golobostanfard, A. Gonzalez Espinosa, J. He, H. Huseynov, J. Jimenez Cordoba, H. M. Kadampalli, I. Karnitckii, M. Keramati Beyramabad, A. Khoury, M. J. Lopez Ortiz, N. Maawad, M. Maiolica, L. Marconi, M. Mazzotta, S. Mehrara, G. Micotti, S. Mohammadtaherkhani, C. Monelli, A. Navaderi, N. Nobakht, S. Nourmousavi Nasab, J. Obeid, H. Busra Ozturk, M. Piccoli, J. R. Ponce De Leon Barrera, Z. Rastegarzadeh, V. Rizzo, E. Sahin, A. Salari, D. F. Serrano Ramirez, F. Shirmohammadi, X. Shuang, A. Simonia, F. Siraj Rahman, M. Soheili Langeroudi, I. Stoyanov Stoykov, M. A. Thamarassery, E. Thomas, E. Topcu, B. Tserenbat, A. Vaglio, A. Vasa, V. Siar Velioglu, E. Younan, F. Zaghian, Z. Zhu, B. Zolfagharzade, L. Zotaj
M. A. Muñoz Veloza, M. Pesce
20 June 2023
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Sustainability