ACC Lectures 2023 – AMATE (e odiate) L’ARCHITETTURA
The 2023 edition of the ACC Lectures is titled “Amate (e odiate) l’architettura. 14 anti- lectures to unfold the architectural discipline” and it takes the imperative of Gio Ponti’s iconic book “Amate l’architettura” (In praise of Architecture), lit. Love Architecture!, as a partial suggestion that should be counteracted with hate for the discipline. The series is an irreverent hymn to architecture, in its wonderful and painful character, full of contradictions and obstacles, to confront the reality of today’s difficulties in the profession and research made of geopolitical, environmental, and cultural instability.
Guests active in the theory and practice of architecture and related fields are invited to present their work in its specificity, keeping the backdrop critical question: what are the reasons to love and hate architecture?
Unfolding their experiences of hate as well, aims to outline critical reasonings on architecture in contemporary society, regarding questions on its role, social usefulness, and purpose; all due to architecture students whom, with eyes sparking with intelligence, and their innocent souls, are still figures “engaged by that perfectionism effort that generation to generation saves our world“.