Atelier Architectural Restoration Project

AARP Atelier Architectural Restoration Project selected the Aglie’s Castel as main case study for the 2021 activities. The monument, part of the Savoy Residences UNESCO site, offered the opportunity to deal with an historical architecture ready to be enhanced by a contemporary restoration project. The three disciplines involved in the Atelier cooperated to transform and preserve the existing contexts through an aware conservative design.

Academic year : 
E. Fabrizio, E. Morezzi, P. Palmero, S. Fantucci, G. Piccablotto
Lucia Allegretti, Adriana Alzueta, Giovanni Amato, Mattia Amato, Cristina Amengual, Santiago Araque, Sara Avellaneda, Necdet Ayik, Benedetta Caretti, Rachele Castello, Chiara Cavanna, Federica Cocucci, Elisabetta Culla, Petra Dalla Zuanna, Juan Manuel García, Ana Garralda, Giuditta Ginevra Giovale, Sophia Gualàn Chacòn, Meetali Gupta, Maria Vittoria Lavore, Sofia Lo Brutto, Federica Memoli, Filippo Mortellaro, Daniele Muccia, Simone Nardi, Lucrezia Palmieri, Francesca Pasquino, Simona Pecoraro, Paola Pezzotti, Frank Alexander Ramirez, Pablo Rodríguez De Medina, Giovanni Alexander Sarria Hernandez, Elisa Sgarlata, Agnese Strafella, Jowita Tabak, Vibhuti Yavad
A. Amato, B. Coppola, T. Vagnarelli, L. Valetti, M. Villata
6 July 2021
Atelier Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Master’s degree in Architecture for Heritage